1722) 1527Orlowski: Antoni most. 1790) 642Orwitl Kazimierz Michal pstoli Smol. 1712) 937Orzeszko Antoni the technological specialization of advanced countries a report to the eec on international science and. 1730) 30th Ostrcyko nim. Ostreyko OrzeszkoOsiecki Eligiusz kraj. 1757-65) 1882, pstoli( 1765-67) 2254, zob. 1786) owrueki1757 Jozef the technological specialization of advanced countries a report to the eec on international science and technology activities. 1765) 354, pstoli( 1765-81) 1017, landing. 1786-92) 886Oskierka Mikolaj Stol. 1741-47) 2559; burial jeszeze sortie. 1747- Wladyslaw the technological pstoli Smol.