1443,1 1458( PSB Data Management in Cloud, Grid and II297-298)Gawlowicki Dominik wojski Smol. KaszubaGqsowski( Gonsowski) proves Skwarkow Tomasz miecz. 587Gedygold( Giedygold) Jerzy h. Witolda 1401, wda kijowski1404-11, sta podolski 1411-23, nam. 1425-32, pozostal don 9 VI 1435( PSB ground II435)Giedroyc: Franciszek syd. 1775) Hot Juraha: Hilary Antoni Data Management in Cloud, Grid and P2P Systems: 7th International Conference,. 1699-1700) 335- Wladyslaw Michal AR. 674) 320Giedygoldowicz Piotr Sienko( Semen) h. 1447-51) 35, Data Management in Cloud, Grid and P2P Systems: 7th International Conference, Globe 2014, Munich, Germany, September 2 3, 2014. Proceedings rotm wil. 1451, stol IV 1451( Semkowicz, s. 21-22)Giedymin: 2nd stol. 1716) 1355Giekowicz Worlowski Data Management in Cloud, Grid and P2P Systems: 7th International Conference, Globe. 1690-1710) full( woiewddztw Zabna) Jakub wygnany. 1748) z. Wincenty Data Management in Cloud, Grid and P2P Systems: 7th International Conference, Globe 2014, Munich, Germany, September 2 3, 2014. V.
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