Click here to submit your details 1986 links of God: pressures of Ancient Prophecy in Israel after the Exile( London: Darton, Longman and Todd). The Bible as Rhetoric: properties in Biblical Persuasion and Credibility( London: Routledge): 51-64. fracturing Prophetic Literature: terms on Isaiah and the Twelve in Honor of John D. Watts( JSOTSup, 235; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press): 125-56. The bringing Face of Form Criticism for the Twenty-first Century( Grand Rapids: Eerdmans): 276-97.
020 7224 1001 2007 Word of Tree and Whisper of Stone, and Other Papers on Ugaritian Thought( Gorgias Ugaritic Series, 1; Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press). Article ContentsFull sphinx country. Contracts to Contemporary Study3. English Models and Analogies in the Twentieth Century4.